340/85R28 MRL RRT885 127A8 (13,6R28) TL made in India

340/85R28 MRL RRT885 127A8 (13,6R28) TL made in India

Številka artikla: s-483847
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Neto 278 €

Bruto 339

7 év
3-14 Dan
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Ime: 340/85R28 MRL RRT885 127A8 (13,6R28) TL made in India
Kategorija: Kmetijske pnevmatike
Proizvajalec: MRL
Letni čas:
Širina: 340
Višina: 85
Premer platišča: 28
Poraba goriva:
Zunanji kotalni hrup:
Oprijem na mokri podlagi:


Agricultural tires

In the driving position of traktor tires the pattern filled in only 20%. At the 4x4 tractors , the tires must not be changed to free size.

PR (Ply Rating) values

It shows the loadability of tires. The bigger is the PR the higher the resolution against the outside effect. For heavy off-road work worth to choose the higher PR

Tire sructure

radialdiagonal gumi There are two different tire structures.

At diagonal tires the cord lines stand in 45 degrees with the basis line.

At the radial tires the body can be optimized for radial forces. The radial cords are in 90 degrees with basis line, so cords can take twice bigger forces than diagonal tires. Thus, radial tires have half number of ply than in diagonal tires. This way, the sidewall can be slimmer, which gives better cooling. The decrease of the plies' degrees increases the stability of tire at high speed.

The signs of tire structure: R means radial tire. This sign (-) or D letter means diagonal tire, B means bias belted.

340/85R28 MRL RRT885 127A8 (13,6R28) TL made in India

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Oznaka pnevmatike

Na podlagi Uredbe 1222/2009/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta morajo biti pnevmatike, izdelane po 1. juliju in prodane na območju EU, od 1. novembra 2012 naprej ustrezno označene z nalepko na samem prodajnem mestu ali na pnevmatiki. Na levi strani si lahko ogledate nalepko za to pnevmatiko in novo EU-nalepko za pnevmatiko.Ta je zelo podobna nalepkam, ki se najpogosteje uporabljajo pri gospodinjskih aparatih, kot sta pralni in pomivalni stroj. Več informacij glede označevanja si lahko preberete s klikom na to povezavo. Informacije v zvezi z novimi predpisi o označevanju pnevmatik ter odgovorih na pogosto postavljena vprašanja lahko dobite pri Evropskem združenju proizvajalcev avtoplaščev in platišč (ETRMA).
